Busy Bodies

Programme to develop children's gross and fine motor skills

Busy Bodies offers the opportunity for children who require assistance with gross and fine motor skills; this has been developed based on my several years of experience which has enabled me to become proficient assisting children with gross and fine motor difficulties.

The programme can have a positive impact on all areas of the child's development.

The programme is progressive and progress will be monitored throughout and be adapted to the children's needs.

Busy Bodies can be used in mainstream and special needs schools, ensuring that the programme is suitable for the children who are taking part. I can provide a sensory approach to the activities that the children participate in using my own equipment.

How will Busy Bodies help children?

  • Gross and fine motor skills
  • Movement
  • Cross laterals
  • Bi-lateral skills
  • Core stability/strength
  • Communication
  • Listening skills
  • Turn taking
  • Self esteem
  • Confidence
  • Team building
  • Hand strength
  • Hand eye co-ordination
  • Pre-handwriting skills
  • Handwriting
  • Behaviour
  • Spatial awareness
  • Visual perception

How does Busy Bodies Work?

The programme is over twelve sessions, over a period of six weeks.

There are two assessment sessions to measure impact.

The programme is for up to six children.

There are two programmes available one for Reception, Years one, two and three.

The other programme is for children in Years four, five and six. 


The programme meets the criteria for Sports Premium funding. It can also be funded through catch up funding or Pupil premium.

Further details:

 Discussion with a member of staff about the programme and identify children who will benefit.

Each session is an hour long.

Resources will be provided although the use of some school equipment may be required.

Please enquire for further information and pricing.

Feedback on Busy Bodies

"I wanted to give you my feedback with regards to the Busy Bodies programme after I had met with the parents of the children involved . 

Firstly from my point of view I've found the children are much more confident in PE sessions. In general most of the children you worked with will now attempt and get in involved in physical sessions . It all seems less scary and more attainable to them . These children were very reluctant to have a go at many of the activities I presented to them but are more willing to now, such as hopping , marching, skipping, jumping , throwing and catching. When writing the children are showing more stamina and willingness to get on with the task. They are like different children!

While you were working with the children at our school ,they were excited , engaged and keen to work with you . They missed you when you finished the sessions.

Following a  parents consultation meeting with the parents of the pupils involved: Parents noticed differences at home. They said that their children talked about what they were doing with you and how much they enjoyed it.They reported back to me that pupils were less clumsy in daily functional movements and more confident to have a go at physical activities. They said their children were showing neater handwriting and a keenness to practise this in their own time. 

The activities you planned and the feedback you gave me was very thorough, demonstrating evidence of progress and highlighting areas where pupils need to continue to focus . These areas were helpful to me as points to discuss during the parent consultation meeting along with the continuing interventions and continued monitoring suggested by yourself . The parents appreciated this and were thrilled with the progress and support.   One mum said you wouldn't get this kind of support in other schools and would be happy to provide you with feedback. 

Thank You 

You made a massive impact!"

Vicki Fitzgerald

SENCo and KS1 class teacher All Saints C of E First School, Church Leigh


Leek First School

We had the Busy Bodies programme running in our school with two groups of children.  Anne was very accommodating in terms of days and time slots and she took time to find out about the children before starting.  The sessions were well lead and resourced as well as being fun for the children.  They especially enjoyed activities such as ‘Bumper Cars’, ‘Astronauts’ and ‘Dough Disco’.  A variety of motor skills were worked on with assessments done at the start and end.  All children made progress of some sort, many in lots of areas.  Anne talked us through the assessments and left us with ideas for further steps.  Since the programme, staff have noticed improvements in areas such as handwriting and attitude towards approaching tasks involving motor skills.  The children report that they have got better at things like PE and jumping.  They thoroughly enjoyed Busy Bodies and would love to do it again.  In their own words, it was ‘fun’, ‘brilliant’ and ‘so good’ and they ‘loved it loads’ and ‘really enjoyed it’.